I received a request for a Har Mar Superstar album, likely due to him being in the Road Trip mix and since I always try to meet my requests, particularly for those that I love myself, here you go. I absolutely adore this album, it's my favourite to blare in my car. No, I have not as of yet seen him live, but it is a goal of mine, as he's supposed to be phenomenal. His antics alone would be worth the ticket.
Track List:
1. Baby, Do you Like My Clothes?
2. I Can't Take It
3. I Admit
4. R-E-S-P-He-Sees-Me
5. Brand New Day
6. Girl, You're Stupid
7. Cry 4 Help
8. Let Me Use Your Ride
9. The Honorable Judge Har Mar
10. You Are the Sunshine in my Soul
Maybe If I Was Brain-Dead Too