Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sleeping With the Lights On

Welcome to Lost on Purpose, yet another blog about the sharing and appreciation of music by a bored little Canadian girl. Good music. It's still a work in progress, so I'll be tweaking here and there, but the aim won't change.
If any of you are thinking that this is going to be as good as That Girl Needs Therapy by the stimulating Kristi Helmes, don't get your hopes up, because hers is the best thing since sliced bread and you'll just be disappointed. I will, however, do my very best because I love spreading the music around, so any requests I get will be loved like my children. I don't really have children, but you get it.
I would hate for my music geekery at any time to turn into music snobbery, so if I ever sound too pompous, email me at and take me down a few pegs.
But I love mail about music, so to get the ball rolling, could you send me a little bit of anything you've been listening to lately? Open my eyes to something I might not have heard before, because I'm very non-discriminatory about my taste, so all will be sampled. I will do my best to return the favour, but you're probably all more knowledgeable than me. (Please, please send them through YouSendIt )

Here's a few random songs that just came up on my Ipod. Not new ones, mind you, and I know you've all heard them before, and I know they've been out forever, but who cares, right?

The Dears - Lost in the Plot
The Breeders - Happiness is a Warm Gun (Beatles cover, but you know that)
AC Newman - On the Table
Johnette Napolitano - Suicide Note
Seems Johnette(Concrete Blonde)is everywhere I go nowadays. Suicide Note is from the Underworld Soundtrack.
Bell X1 - Eve, The Apple of my Eye
The Faint - Desperate Guys
Esthero - We R In Need of a Musical Revolution
Teitur - Sleeping with the Lights On

Check 'em out, there's far more to come.


Anonymous said...

Welcome! Thanks for the Teitur song. I've enjoyed that song the couple times I've seen it on The Wedge (obligatory reference that Americans won't understand).

Anonymous said...

sweet, this looks like its going to be good, I've allready bookmarked yah.

JDS said...

If Kristi thinks you have good taste, that's OK by me - and I can immediately see that you have.

Stop over at my place, sometime

I've added you to my roll of honour already

Kristi Joy said...

my god, you are one popular girl. I'm jealous!

Tyler Knott said...

Awesome site, I'll check you daily. Head over if you're bored and check out my site, it's not a music blog but I put tons of cool photography and rants up.

Keep Rockin!

Tyler Knott

Eric said...

Welcome to the blogoverse. Thanks for linking me. I'll be sure to link back.

Anonymous said...

Upload to megaupload or turboupload. 'yousendit' only allows a few number of downloads for a week. Just a thought. Great selections though.

Anonymous said...

Hey there...great start. I subscribed to your feed already.

Please reconsider your use of YSI for posting songs. Not only does it not work for a lg % of peeps (including me) and has been especially crap the last few weeks...but I assume you will have more than 25 people reading yr blog.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what you have in store for the world's public....

PAul B

Anonymous said...

Right on! You're already pretty popular - already getting too many hits to sustain the Yousendlink links...

You've been bookmarked.


a r n e l said...

Mind you, I'm getting my hopes up high. If Kristi says you're good, you must be really good.
I'll try to visit you on a daily basis.

In the meanwhile, you could check my blogs.
1. is
It's about the music i like. But beware: it's written in Dutch. (you couldn't care less, because the music isn't) And a big part of it, talks about European music, which might broaden your horizon... one never knows.
2. is everypicture.blogspot;com
This one is about me getting bored. No, really, this blog is full of little drawings. It's what I do when I have to wait somewhere, for somebody, or something. And then I start drawing, anything actually. (the entry for saturday will be about my stay in Canada - Nova Scotia)
And you can peep into my little book, if you want to....
Pay me a visit and tell me what your impression is on my two blogs...